Below can be found region files (daily or yearly) and quicklook plots of Cluster Magnetotail region identifications.
Region files consist of an epoch ordered list of Magnetotail plasma region encountered by each of the four Cluster spacecraft (separate files for each) in the tail seasons (July-October) of the Cluster mission 2001-2009. Each record in a file represent a new region encounter, with region entry and exit time, region name and hemisphere, plus averaged characteristic plasma and magnetic field parameters describing each region.
The regions identified are described and named as follows: the magnetospheric lobes ('NN_LOBE' or 'SS_LOBE', northern or southern hemispheric lobes respectively), the very edge of the plasma sheet (boundary region, 'NN_BR' or 'SS_BR'), the outer plasma sheet ('NN_OPS' or 'SS_OPS'), the inner plasma sheet ('NN_IPS' or 'SS_IPS'), neutral sheet region (region brackets crossing of Bx=0, 'NS_NSR' north-south crossing region, 'SN_NSR' south-north crossing region, '00_NSR' Bx=0). The reason for undefined region ('UR') records is described by a UR flag. For full details and description of regions, boundary conditions, record parameters and format: ECLAT In Situ data products: Cluster region and boundary identification (D220.1)
Each parameter in a record is separated by a comma, e.g.
ISO time range of interval, name, mean_bxy, sd_bxy, mean_bz, min_bz, max_bz, mean_plasma_density, mean_total_pressure, median_plasma_beta, percentage_high_speed_parallel_flow, percentage_high_speed_perpendicular_flow, Vx_min, Vx_max, sc_x_location, sc_y_location, sc_z_location, number_of_multiple_NS_crossings, number_of_data_points_in_region, minimum_data_resolution_in_region, maximum_data_resolution_in_region, n_gaps, ur_flag, inst_flag, comment_flag, plasma_instrument_id

-- P. D. Boakes et al., ECLAT Cluster Spacecraft Magnetotail Plasma Region Identifications (2001-2009), Dataset Papers in Science, 13 p., 2014

Quicklooks provide visualization of the regions. Three plots are available for each interval where the background colour represents the plasma region identified:

  • Cluster data, e.g. C1_200107031200_720mins_cluster_region_CODIF.png, where CODIF was the plasma instrument used in region identification and the plot covers 12 hours from midday on the 3rd of July 2001.
  • Averaged characteristic region parameters, e.g C2_200107031200_720mins_cluster_averaged_parameters_PEACE.png (found under parameters directory)
  • Region flags, e.g. C3_200307011200_720mins_region_flags_HIA.png

  • Dataset
    -- The region files can be accessed from the Cluster Science Archive (CSA)
    -- Quicklook plots of large gradient events: IWF internal site (available on request)

    Please acknowledge the European Union Framework 7 Programme, the ECLAT project FP7 grant number 263325, and the ESA Cluster Archive in any publications based upon the use of these data.