Three types of 'event' are identified, separate event catalogues for each type of event are provided containing event start and end epochs, as well as representative parameters. The events identified are tail magnetic field dipolarization, large gradient (current) events in the magnetotail (e.g. reconnection, strong field-aligned currents), and wavy current sheets. Event lists for each type of event can be downloaded below, with the format of each file described in the '_parameters.txt' files. A full description of data format and the event search algorithms are available from: ECLAT event identification

Quicklooks of Cluster plasma region and four spacecraft plots for each large gradient event are also available. There are 7 plots for each event: 1 four spacecraft plot (e.g. 200108121804_fourSC_plot.png, where the time is the start time of the event), 2 plots (one for each spacecraft used to determine gradient) showing Cluster parameters, e.g. density, velocity, etc., where the background colour represents the plasma region encountered as determined by the ECLAT magnetotail regions dataset (e.g., c3_200108121804_cluster_region_CODIF.png), 2 plots showing the averaged plasma region characteristics (e.g. c3_200108121804_cluster_averaged_parameters_CODIF.png), and 2 plot showing the plasma region flags (e.g. c3_200108121804_region_flags_CODIF.png). Each plot spans 10 minutes prior to the start time of the event interval to 10 minutes following the event end time. Red dashed vertical lines show the event interval, and the region colours are described by the key.

-- Event files: available from Cluster Science Archive (CSA)
-- Quicklook plots of large gradient events: IWF internal site (available on request)

Please acknowledge the European Union Framework 7 Programme, the ECLAT project FP7 grant number 263325, and the ESA Cluster Science Archive in any publications based upon the use of these data