Project financed Institut für Weltraum Forschung (IWF) employee, position, cv, (project  participation period, work load)
  • Wai-Leong Teh, Staff scientist, cv, (38 month, 100%)
IWF employee, position, (project  participation period, work load)
  • *Rumi Nakamura, Group leader, cv, (44 month, 25%)
  • Evgeney Panov, Staff scientist, cv,  (44 month, 50%)
  • Tielong Zhang, Staff scientist, cv, (6 month, 15%)
  • Yasuhito Narita, Group leader, cv, (6 month, 15%)
IWF employee left before 2013, position at IWF, (project  participation period, work load)
  • Rongsheng Wang, Staff scientist, (18 month, 25%)
  • Bertalan Zieger, Staff scientist, (6 month, 25%)
  • Robert Teubenbacher, Practice semester for MS student, (6 month, 25%)

*Austrian lead of the joint project